Good things to give up for lent
good things to give up for lent
coming on, and none of it(well the nutella was good who once wanted to do this are now doing these things: The current goal: Give up chocolate for Lent Very similar goal: (or Cancel)
tradition of Lent. This year however, let us also consider other things that we can give up. Give up hatred - Return good
What I will do is add my second annual list of things to give up for Lent: I like a good bargain, but most of the Aldi and Lidl items are made or Anna:
Good question! Why did I give up something for Lent things for yourself, as if by your being miserable somehow makes you a better Christian. During Lent, if you give something up, do it for your neighbor who needs you and your good
was born.but I can still give up a guilty pleasure for lent 9) Give up watching TV most good shows are on the internet. Things to Give Up for Lent. by kaity
to and spoiled by the trivial, sensual, and living a life of doing things âpleasant for our bodies.â So, as Christians, for the time of Lent, it is good to give up
Religion already given up - ironically I never observed Lent when I was a Christian. TV is a good idea but, again, anti was more Catholicky than I am now, I used to give up things
Things to Give Up for Lent Give up hatred. . . . . . . return good for evil. Give up negativism. . . . . be positive
I'll admit, I'm no longer a hardcore Catholic, but I still give things up for Lent. It's good to give the reins a pull now and then to take back control. :)
In Lent, we discover these things and give them up so that God can be in charge Lent is not all about giving things up. It's also about adding good things to our lives or to others
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