Defense budget 2010
defense budget 2010
According to the press release the 2010 defense budget will be delayed because â the new administration will need more time for a substantial review of the submission
The Obama administration's $533.7 billion defense budget gives the U.S. military 4 percent more to spend, but doesn't come close to covering what the services say they need.
Instead, as the White House prepares its fiscal 2010 defense budget, major weapons systems and long-term equipment development are more likely to feel the economic pinch first.
President Barack Obama 's budget proposal for the 2010 fiscal year would provide $533.7 billion for basic defense spending, 4 percent more than what Congress approved for 2009. The
Today President Obama has provided direction to the Pentagon to cap the 2010 budget request for defense at $527 billion. It is an increase over last years number and is based on
The Obama administration has given the Pentagon a $527 billion limit, excluding war costs, for its fiscal 2010 defense budget, an official with the White Houseâs Office of
General Help: You can use controls on the table to change the output: units â"e.g. percent of GDP, etc.â" and fiscal year. You can select between the United States or an
2010 Defense Budget Still Undecided. Reuters WASHINGTON- The 2010 defense budget is still being debated by White House and Pentagon officials.
53 Funding Highlights: â¢*Provides*$533.7*billion*for*the*Department*of*Defense*base*budget*in*2010,*a*four-percent* increase*over*2009. â¢*Includes*$75.5*billion*in*supplemental
Senior Leaders Examine 2010 Defense Budget Choices By Jim Garamone American Forces Press Service: WASHINGTON, Feb. 13, 2009 â" Senior defense leaders are taking a serious and
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