Largest prime number
largest prime number
Understanding Mathematics by Peter Alfeld, Department of Mathematics, University of Utah The Largest Known Prime Number
From Science News: Its size is mind-boggling. With nearly 13 million digits, it makes the number of atoms in the known universe seem negligible, a mere 80 digits.
of electronic computers, because there exists a particularly fast primality test for numbers of this form, the Lucasâ"Lehmer test for Mersenne numbers. The largest known prime that
Access to hundreds of pages of award-winning information on prime numbers--with links to thousands of pages elsewhere. We host the searchable database of the 5000 largest
What is a prime number? How can you find prime numbers? What's the 'Sieve of Eratosthenes'? How can you decide if a number is prime? What's the largest known prime?
Its size is mind-boggling. With nearly 13 million digits, it makes the number of atoms in the known universe seem negligible, a mere 80 digits. And its form is tidy and lovely: 2 n
The unique number is more than six million digits long and was found by a distributed computing project
Because the way the largest numbers N are proven prime is based on the factorizations of either N +1 or N-1, and for Mersennes the factorization of N +1 is as trivial as
World's Largest Known Prime Number. Euclid proved in the 3rd century BC that there are an infinite number of prime numbers. A prime number can be divided only by itself and
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