
Poseur #2: The Good, The Fab, and The Ugly. Fashion isnât everything. Itâs the only thing. Halloween comes to Winston Prep and the newly named teen fashion label POSEUR
Poseur Ink specializes in independent comics, DIY reading, alternative apparel, and novelty one-inch buttons!
Poseur is a site operated by Jim O'Connor. This web site belongs to Jim O'Connor January 2009
poseur (plural poseurs) One who affects some behaviour, style, attitude or other condition, often to impress or influence others. He pretends draping things in miles of cloth is
poseur - 49 definitions - Yes kids, that is how you spell poseur. No, I'm not trying to spell it some "fancy french way." Don't believe me? Let's g
noun, plural -seurs â /-ËzÉrz; Fr.-ËzÅ"r / Show Spelled Pronunciation [-zurz; Fr.-z Å" r] Show IPA. a person who attempts to impress others by assuming or affecting a manner
Definition of poseur from the Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary with audio pronunciations, thesaurus, Word of the Day, and word games.
po·seur (p-z r, p z r) n. One who affects a particular attribute, attitude, or identity to impress or influence others. [French, from poser, to pose, from Old French; see pose 1.
My name is Edwin Watkeys, and I'm a philosopher-artist-programmer who pays the bills by helping businesses design products, human organizations, brand identities, and so forth.
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