Obama iraq

obama iraq
Official Website of Barack Obama 2008 Presidential Campaign Three Facts about Barack Obama and Iraq. Barack Obama will responsibly end the war in Iraq:
Comment about Barack Obamaâs Iraq policy. In early 2007, when Barack Obama declared he was running for President, he based his candidacy, in part, on a bold plan to withdraw all
Resize THE INITIAL MEDIA coverage of Barack Obama's visit to Iraq suggested that the Democratic candidate found agreement with his plan to withdraw all U.S. combat forces on a 16
(CNN) -- Sens. John McCain and Barack Obama engaged in a pointed exchange over al Qaeda in Iraq on Wednesday. Sen. John McCain questioned Sen. Barack Obama's way of handling the
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that their development of nuclear weapons and their funding of terrorist organizations "like Hamas and Hezbollah," and threats against Israel are "unacceptable." [163] Iraq. Obama
WASHINGTON (AP) â" President Barack Obama has asked his military leaders to do additional planning, if needed, to put together a responsible U.S. troop withdrawal from Iraq. Obama
CHICAGO, Illinois (CNN) -- Sen. Barack Obama called Monday for U.S. troops to start leaving Iraq in 2007, arguing that the threat of an American pullout is the best leverage
WASHINGTON - Administration officials say President Barack Obama is planning to announce that most U.S. troops will be out of Iraq in less than 19 months. The plan would leave a
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